Body Templates 2 Fundraising

Body Templates 2 Fundraising


Exciting News: Help Me Create a new Diverse Image Bank!

I’m thrilled to announce that I’m launching a fundraising initiative to support the completion of our image bank Body Templates 2 featuring a broader spectrum of diverse models. This project requires an enormous amount of time, focus and resources. Your support will not only help me pay our models better and upfront, cast more people, but also accelerate the project's progress.

The feedback from the first iteration of the Body Templates has been overwhelmingly positive, and I’m eager to expand and improve. This phase will involve photographing more BIPOC, trans individuals, visibly disabled people, and older adults, with a focus on capturing specific skin details often overlooked in the media, such as scars, freckles, vitiligo, c-sections, stretch marks, cancer surgery, and other unique characteristics. This entirely new batch of models will be standing against vibrant, organic backgrounds and plants that complement their diversity.

However I’ve been facing some challenges, and I cannot do it entirely on my own. I’m applying for the Canada Council for the Arts research and creation grant, as well as calling for your support. By contributing to this fund, you’re not only helping me finish the project faster but also securing a preorder for the final image bank.

I’m aiming to have everything ready by June 2025, and everyone who contributes will get early access to the Body Templates 2 when it’s completed.


  • September - November 2024: Casting call and model search, including outreach to agencies and social media. I already have a small roster of potential models, and a few already photographed.

  • November 2024 - January 2025: Photo shooting sessions

  • January - May 2025: Sorting and editing of photographs, organizing by body parts or full figures.

  • May 2025: Early bird release for preorder patrons

  • June 2025: Public release of the new Body Templates digital image bank.

  • July 2025: Exhibition at Patchwork Art Studio.

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